Notice to Stakeholders – Closure and Resumption of Operations for CAAF’s Personnel Licensing (PEL) Office
Please note that the Civil Aviation Authority of Fiji is in the process of publishing an Operation of Aircraft- Part III- International Operations Helicopters Standards Document (SD).
This document provides a total system concept from information derived from related ICAO Annexes and guidance material and from States’ documents and practices. It is intended that this material will be useful to a State wishing to progress the systematic development of international operations helicopters, both in regard to its role as the Authority, State of Registry, and as State of the Operator. It is also intended that this material will serve operators in understanding the requirements of international operations helicopters. This Standards Document specifies international standards and practices for helicopters used in international operations. The SD addresses flight preparation and in-flight procedures, performance operating limitations; helicopter instruments and equipment; helicopter communication and navigation equipment; helicopter maintenance; flight crew; lights to be displayed in the air and on the ground during operations; flight recorders; and carriage of oxygen. This Standard Document – International Operations – Helicopters, with the required flight crew capabilities and flight procedures, fall under the jurisdiction of CAAF.
- This Document provides guidance to:
- CAAF in the oversight of the operators in international helicopter – operations;
- The operators on the requirements for such an operation; and
- Flight crew members and other personnel who need to understand these operations.
Hence, you are now invited to participate in this industry consultation process for the next 4 weeks. All submissions to the Authority shall be made on Form QA109 addressed to the Manager Legal & Enforcement by email to mle@caaf.org.fj and shall reach the CAAF no later than 02nd June 2023.
Please refer to the link below for the draft SD for Operation of Aircraft Part III- International Operations Helicopters.