The following modifications and inspections are declared by CAAF as mandatory unless notification by the CAAF is made to the contrary.
  • Those notified as mandatory in a foreign Airworthiness Directive or equivalent notification issued by the Responsible Authority of the State of Construction.
  • Those notified in a UK CAA Additional Airworthiness Directive.
  • Those necessary to comply with UK CAA Airworthiness Notices of a mandatory character (e.g. Nos. 41, 81).

Wherever possible, the criterion for embodiment or compliance is fixed to coincide with periodical inspections or overhauls so that the Operator has a reasonable amount of time for carrying out the work. In addition, consideration is given to the possibility of a special inspection procedure as, at least, a temporary alternative to the embodiment of a modification. Operators and their contracted maintenance organisations are expected, when necessary, to make priority arrangements to achieve compliance within the period specified.

The initial notification of a mandatory modification or inspection by the constructor/manufacturer (e.g. Service Bulletins, Technical News Sheet) is distributed to all known operators of the aircraft and to all Airworthiness Authorities to whom those operators are responsible.


  • In view of the notification procedure described above, Operators and organisations undertaking maintenance or overhaul of aircraft have a duty to ensure that their names and addresses are known to the constructors of the aircraft for which they are responsible.
  • As a general rule modifications and inspections notified by an equipment manufacturer as mandatory will have been the subject of discussion and agreement between the equipment manufacturer and the aircraft constructor and would have allowed the aircraft constructor to issue a covering bulletin, where this is appropriate. However, Operators are reminded of their responsibility for ascertaining the total requirements for a complete aircraft including its equipment.


UK CAA Additional Airworthiness Directives

The UK CAA may vary the content or application of an Airworthiness Directive for aircraft which are not of UK manufacture, in which case details will be promulgated in a UK CAA Additional Airworthiness Directive1 preceded, if necessary, by a UK CAA Emergency Airworthiness Directive. Where the UK CAA has issued a UK CAA Additional Airworthiness Directive in advance of the notification by the Responsible Authority of the State of Construction, the UK CAA Directive shall be observed, unless subsequently revoked.

It is important that operators of aircraft on the Fiji register arrange to receive copies of the applicable Airworthiness Directives and use the latest issue so that any requirements additional to the previous issue can be complied with.

Airworthiness Directives usually refer to constructor/manufacturer bulletins, etc., therefore owners, operators and organisations undertaking maintenance or overhaul of aircraft should ensure that their names and addresses are known to constructors of the aircraft for which they are responsible.