Airworthiness Notices Considered Mandatory in Fiji
CAAF considers all pink Airworthiness Notices to be mandatory in Fiji. In the case where a pink notice is perceived to have no direct Airworthiness relevance and/or benefits to a particular aircraft or situation, CAAF will re-evaluate the contents of the Airworthiness Notice and provide guidance and direction on how the Notice is to be applied or implemented.
Other Airworthiness Notices Applicable in Fiji
The Airworthiness Notices printed on yellow or white paper covering administrative and/or technical procedures and general information/administrative matters respectively, are adopted due to the benefits they offer to the ANR 145C Approved Maintenance Organisations.
Assessment of the Airworthiness Notices to determine relevancy is the responsibility of each ANR 145C Organisation. However CAAF, may from time to time advise individual organisations to consider implementing a particular notice to assist the organisation in addressing a particular safety case.
Reference To The UK, CAA, UK and ANO in Airworthiness Notices
All ANR 145C Approved Maintenance Organisations should use their proper judgement when reading references to the UK CAA, UK and the ANO to the Fijian equivalents. If there is anything in the notices that is not understood then CAAF should be consulted for further clarification.
Continuing Airworthiness Notices
All ANR145C Approved Organisations in Fiji are required to subscribe to CAAF Airworthiness Notices and retain updated copies for their reference.
The UK CAA regularly updates the Airworthiness Notices and the latest revision status should be determined from the latest issue of Cap. 455 UK CAA Airworthiness Notices.

Airworthiness Notices Incorporated In the Fiji Standard Documents
CAAF has adopted the requirements of the UK CAA Airworthiness Notices via AIC 4/98 in view of the clear airworthiness benefits to the industry. Additionally with the promulgation of Standard Document – Airworthiness of Aircraft, Standard Document – Personnel Licensing and Standard Document – Approval of Aircraft Maintenance Organisation certain, Airworthiness Notices have been directly incorporated into the respective Standard Documents.
Whenever the notices that have been incorporated into the Standard Documents are amended by the UK CAA, CAAF will amend the corresponding Standard Document sections as appropriate. These Standard Document amendments will be transmitted to Industry. Through used in relation to serial numbers, means inclusive of the serial numbers quoted and all numbers between. TIS, TTIS means time in service, and total time in service respectively.