The owner of a registered aircraft has to pay an annual registration fee. If your aircraft won’t be flown in the future, or you’re exporting it, you can de-register it.

If you want your aircraft de-registered, complete the appropriate CAAF form. If the owner is unable to sign (for example, they’re deceased), use the de-registration of aircraft form with a statutory declaration.

There’s no fee for de-registering an aircraft.

To ensure prompt attention, email your forms. We’ll always confirm it has received your applications.

For more information, email

Send the original certificate of registration and certificate of airworthiness (or flight permit) to:

Senior Airworthiness Maintenance & Engineering Inspector,

Civil Aviation Authority of Fiji,

Private Mail Bag NAP 0354,

Nadi Airport,


Once de-registered, the aircraft’s certificate of airworthiness (or flight permit) is revoked.

IDERA – de-registration under IDERA also uses the deregistration of aircraft form, but it must be completed by the ‘authorised party’.