In January 2010, CAAF reviewed its Consultation Process to promote a robust consultative system where all industry representatives are engaged and participates in the introduction or amendments of the Acts, Regulations and Standard Document on aviation safety issues, resulting in the CAAF Regulatory Development Manual (CRDM).

Whilst the intention was to structure such a system, there was a lack of industry response and participation in the Air Safety Committee (ASC) and the Ground Safety Committee (GSC) – the principal consultative bodies established to provide advice and recommendations to CAAF on regulatory issues, proposals and associated documentation. In addition, the ASC and the GSC Chairman’s position became vacant in the latter part of 2011 with a call for nominees by CAAF. No response had been received.

Given the lack of response to take on the position of ASC and GSC Chairman and participation during the consultation process pertaining to State Letters, ANR Parts and the Educational Briefing on the ANR Parts and as CAAF is going onto the next phase of the Harmonization Project, it proposed the amendment of the CRDM by removing the ASC and GSC Committee and reverting to the initial consultation system whereby Industry is notified of any amendments to the Act, Regulations and Standard Documents, comments are sought within a specified time and upon Industry requests or CAAF initiation, CAAF will conduct educational briefing/discussions on the same.

This is the overview of CAAF’s processes and mechanisms for industry consultation.